by Deputy Mufti Ust Dr Hannan Hassan @ Bencoolen Mosque, 3 September 2024
Warmest greetings of peace to
Our Guest-of-Honour, MOS Xun Xueling
H.E. Ong Keng Yong, Chairman of Humanity Matters
Haji Mohamed Rafeeq
My interfaith comrades
Friends and guests
Today we are gathered here, as we feel and understand the anxieties that our guest workers from South Asia are going through, especially the Bangladeshis: given the earlier unrests and deadly riots, the destructive floods that are affecting your loved ones. We feel you. We want to support you, to actualise the solidarity and empathy. We stand with you, just as you have strived with us all this while and helping to build our country
We are all fortunate to live in Singapore, a place that offers us safety and peace. This peace, stability and harmony allows us to practise our faith freely and fully. We must really cherish this blessing. For us Muslims, there are two principles and convictions we must hold dear to: A) that we can live as good Muslims wherever we are, and B) that safety, security and peace are the fundamentals to that principle.
Muslims must take pride and confidence in knowing that we can practise our faith wholeheartedly as good Muslims, no matter where we reside, even as a minority. This stems from the belief that Allah is the Most Just, the Most Merciful, and the Most Compassionate. It cannot be the case that some Muslims are more privileged and receive better opportunities to get closer to God Almighty or enjoy greater favour in the eyes of The Almighty simply because they live in majority Muslim countries or in sacred locations like Mecca and Medina. In fact, the majority of Muslims live outside the Middle East, and God’s justice ensures that everyone has equal, although varying opportunities to grow closer to Him.
We should feel empowered to be good Muslims wherever we are. The prospects for spiritual growth and connection with God are abundant, no matter what the setting maybe.
Next, safety, security, and peace are fundamental for us to fulfil our religious duties and truly live our faith. Peace or ‘salam’ is the very essence of our existence and coexistence. When we feel secure and at peace, we can focus on our spiritual obligations. Safety, security, and peace are fundamental in Islam and form the higher objectives of Islam. God reminds us of this in the Quran, saying that He provides for our basic needs and that we must protect them. Allah says “Let them worship the Lord of this House (Kaabah). [He] who has fed them [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.” (al-Qur’an, al-Quraish (106): 3-4.
When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) migrated from Mecca to Medina, he was greeted by the people of Medina at his arrival. In his fist message to the people, the Prophet emphasised: “Spread peace, maintain family ties, share food, and pray at night when others are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.” This simple yet profound guidance is something we Muslims ought and must carry in our hearts.
Let us remember that our faith knows no boundaries. We can thrive as Muslims wherever we are, as long as we embrace our beliefs with confidence and with the spirit of community. Together, we can shine as examples of justice and compassion, reflecting the beauty of our faith in every corner of the world.